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Pseudo-random number generator, using cellular automata and a feed-back loop.
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Xilinx XPS IP core of the Xillybus DMA interface, configured with 4 FIFOs (two host to FPGA, two FPGA to host)
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Sound source localization utilizing 4, 8, or 16 PDM microphones and the Delay-Sum algorithm
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General-purpose Instruction Computer Architecture is a 8-bit MCU/CPU RISC architecture
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Board support files for the V5IP7000 ASIC prototyping platform with the Virtex-5 LX330 FPGA. Designed for use with Xilinx ISE Platform Studio
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Split-LUT-Carry (SLC) Self-Programmable Cellular Automaton (SPCA) Pseudo-Random Number Generator
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FPGA implementation of the Baptista encryption algorithms
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Sound source localization utilizing 4, 8, or 16 PDM microphones and the Delay-Sum algorithm
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Utilitary circuits for AXI4 communication - register access over AXI4-Lite, data streaming with AXI Stream, DMA over AXI4-Burst, etc
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