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Other labels 8

  • Blocking
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
    This bug blocks testing.
  • Critical
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
    This bug is in the core business, the application can't function unless fixed.
  • Minor
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
    This is a minor issue, should not be a priority.
  • bug
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
  • documentation
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
  • enchancement
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
  • feature
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream
  • testing
    Costin Vasile / FPGA-accelerated human detection in IR video stream