This project provides scripts used to shut down, power on or power cycle
devices in the lab.
Software Dependencies:
Currently the scripts utilize minicom to connect through a USB-to-Serial
adapter to a switchable power source. Therefore, minicom is required.

Lucian Petrică
UDEV Rules:
The rules/ folder contains a udev rule which detects the switchable power
source and assigns it a symlink: /dev/powercycle. Add this rule to your
existing udev configuration before running the scripts.
Scripts: - bash script which invokes minicom and executes one of
the available minicom scripts, based on user commands. Supports the
following commands:
poweron - enables power
poweroff - disables power
powercycle - cycles power
minicom_poweron - minicom script which enables the power source. If
already enabled, the script has no effect
minicom_poweroff - minicom script which disables the power source.