Alex susu
- My Opincaa lib with changes I performed in the last 1+ year:
- corrected operators that were NOT working properly in simulator
- a few different Architecture.h configs: 64 lanes, etc
- added ConnexMachine::writeDataToConnexPartial() and ConnexMachine::readDataFromConnexPartial()
- added support for OpincaaLLVM compiler automatic Instruction Selection code generation from Opincaa kernels - see method Kernel::genLLVMISelManualCode()
- added a few new instructions to simulator:
- for debugging: _PRINT_REG, _PRINT_CHARS and the macrodefs PRINTREG(), PRINTCHARS() and PrintDebugMessage(), PrintRegDebug()
- experimental: _SETLC_REDUCE, _BIT_REVERSE and the macrosdefs REPEAT_REDUCE and BITREVERSE